How to tell if a wig is a human hair wig?

How to tell if a wig is a human hair wig? - MOON HAIR
  • Fire method
If it is real hair, it will have a smell similar to burnt eggshells, and the ash will be powdery. The smell of rayon is more pungent and unpleasant, and the ash is lumpy. Secondly, even if they are all human hair wigs, the hair quality is also good or bad. The hair that has not been permed and dyed is the best, and the broken hair recovered from the barber shop is inferior. At this time, if you want to identify whether it is high-quality real hair, you can use the penetration test method, and the test method is also very simple. Select a small cluster of hair, tighten the tail, straighten and tighten, and slide your hands from top to bottom to the root of the hair. If there is a rough feeling, it is poor hair quality with permeability.

  • Penetration
Penetration, in simple terms, refers to the absorption capacity and penetration capacity of hair. The impermeable hair looks shiny under the light, and it is more supple when combed, and it is not easy to be tangled and damaged. With permeable hair, the hair cuticles are open, so the light will seep in and cannot reflect light, so the hair looks dull. Usually over-dyed hair.

  • Toughness is good or bad
Select a few strands of hair, twist the ends tightly, and stretch gently with force. High-quality hair has good toughness and is not easy to break, while damaged and inelastic hair cannot withstand pulling and is easier to break.

The above is about "How to judge whether a wig is a human hair wig? How to identify a wig!" How to distinguish a good or bad human hair wig? Do you understand now? Generally speaking, a good human hair wig is made with great care Yes, even if it is a high-definition shooting, it is very natural to zoom in on the details, and the density is orderly.


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